Tuesday, August 26, 2008

They grow up so fast

Addison is already nine months old. I just can't believe it. I swear every time I turn around she has gotten bigger. She's crawling all over the place and pulling herself up to things. She is starting to stand by herself but when she realizes that she is standing she panics and plops down on her bum. She's hysterical! Here are some funny photos I took of her the other day.
Addy Loves Elmo
Her First Tooth
This picture is for Kathy. We had to paint the cabinets in out new apartment, they look a ton better.


Brett and Megan said...

Hi Katie! Cute family! I heard you work with my aunt Jan! And your little one is so cute, it's weird how fast they grow huh? Hope you are doing good!

Sandi and Curtis said...

Here is Serina's blog ---http://nshaines.blogspot.com/log ---It was so good to talk to you today! Glad you mom is doing better.

Sandi and Curtis said...

Katie, I goofed. Leave off the log at the end of Serina's blog address.

Shelise said...

Hey I came across your blog while reading Joni's. Check mine out. Email me at tslowe@usfamily.net and I will invite you.