Friday, August 1, 2008

Sell House..........Check

Well we finally sold our house this week. Its been a pretty exciting and scary process. I just really glad we had a great agent to help us (Thanks Flint). We close on the 21st of August, and until then will be painting our new apartment, aka my parent's basement. This is going to be great for us. I will finally be able to stay at home with Addison and TJ will now be able to start school at LDS Business College. We won't be there for long but saving a little on rent is going to be a huge help.

Well, it wasn't the chicken pox, I'm still not quite sure what is was but all of Addison's spots are gone.


Sandi and Curtis said...

Could Addison have had Rosiolla (SP???). That is red spots. Aunt Sandi

Hillary said...

Congrats on selling the house! We have toyed with the idea lately, but I am WAY too scared to go down that path right now. As far as Addison's spots go, what did they look like? Harrison has had some lately too, but it looks more like he is breaking out... they are like little pimples. Weird... What color are you painting the apartment?? Oh, congratulations on being able to stay home with the babe and TJ going to Business College. That is so exciting!

Megan said...

Look at you, your such a cute mama! Im glad things are going great. Congrats on selling your house, thats exciting. Im sure it was a terribly long and stressful process! Your little girl is so cute! I hope you find out what the spots are. How old is she?