When I was a kid I was afraid of pretty much everything, but I was completely terrified of restaurants. I was scared of them until I was about 12, I'm not kidding. Every time my family would go to a restaurant I would have a full blow panic attack, lots of times I got so nervous I would throw up. Strange huh. I apologize to Kathy who never really got to out to dinner for our Birthday because I never wanted to go. Sorry.
Weird Fact #2:
When I was in 9th grade I broke my collar bone and now I have an enormous protruding bump on my neck from where it broke and grew back together. It's so gross, you can tell just by looking at it that something is not right.
Weird Fact #3:
I can't cook very well, and if you ask me to put together a ready to assemble book case it would fall apart, But I can fix a computer. I can take it apart, replace a broken part and put all it back together. I know how to replace a motherboard and image a computer. I was a computer technician in the Information Systems Department at Davis School District. It may not seem cool or difficult to some people, but I'm pretty proud of myself.
Weird Fact #4:
I have never ridden Puff the Magic Dragon at Lagoon. This goes back to my period of being afraid of everything as a kid. It scared me and thats all I have to say.
Weird Fact#5:
I can't eat Potato soup, I made it for dinner once while I was pregnant and the smell has turned me off to it. The smell made me so sick. I don't know if I will be able to touch the stuff ever again.
Weird Fact #6:
I had ginormous hair as a kid. I'm serious, I looked like had been electrocuted all the time. It was so fuzzy and frizzy, it completely stuck out. Some of you might remember how bad it was. Thanks to all those girls who where my friend in spite of the fluff I called my hair, you know who you are.
Weird Fact #7:
I am completely ashamed to admit this and my husband will probably disown me cause he hates this about me. I am totally addicted to "The Hills" on MTV. I don't know why but I love that show. Its so sad but I watch every episode. I can't help myself.
I tag: Hillary, Lindsay B., Amy, Necia, Lindsay P., Rachelle, and Natalie.