Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Poor Addy McKay

Its been a rough few days, Addy is sick again. Poor little thing she's pretty much been sick off and on since May. She had 2 ear infections and now has who knows what. I took her to the Dr. yesterday (she had a fever of 103.1) and he said that it was either Roseola or a Urinary Track Infection. And I have to take her back in today so they can put a catheter in to see if it is UTI. She has had a fever of at least 102.5 for three days now. I hope that they can figure out what wrong with her and she can get better, it's just so sad, she moans and whimpers all day long.


Jenny said...

Poor Addy, sick babies are the saddest. Give her a kiss for me.

Hillary said...

Poor little girl and poor Katie! It is SO wearing taking care of a sick little baby. I hope everything turns out okay and clears up soon!

julia said...

Hey Katie, It's Julia. Nicolas has been sick too with a fever of 103. My doctor said a virus has been going around with high fevers & sore throats. My friends kids have had it too. Not sure if it could be the same thing..I'm sure they checked her throat. But if it is, it is short lived. Nicolas had a high fever for 3 days, then a mild fever for 2 more but now feels fine. Having sick kids is the worst! We send our love :)