Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Life is good....for now

Well, last Thursday night Addison's fever finally broke and then she started to break out in a rash. It was gone after 24 hours, so it was Roseola. She also cut her first tooth while she was sick (poor thing). Because she has a tooth now she sticks her tongue out all the time. I think she's trying to feel it. She looks so funny-I'll have to post some pictures of it. Addison cracks me up, she started dancing. Turn on any music or just tell her to "dance, dance, dance" and she starts to bounce and wiggles her whole body. She has also figured out how to push herself out of your lap and slide down your legs, then once at the bottom claps and says "yeah", and wants everyone to do the same. As soon as she's had enough praise she holds her arms out to be picked up again and the process starts all over. What a geek. She is so close to being a "crawler" she'll go a few feet and then start rolling, I think cause she can roll faster.

Well Kathy and Andrew left this morning. Sad. I hope they get there without any trouble. I'm a little bit jealous, I think it would be so cool to move across the country and have to start all over.
Well that's all for now.

1 comment:

joni said...

I'm sorry she was sick, not fun! And Kennedi had that exact same thing. Horrible fever, then a rash. I'm glad she's feeling better!